For hundreds of years, the choice when traveling has either been to get a hotel room or to stay with friends or family. But in the 21st century, new options seem to be popping up every day.
People got tired of hotel prices, sometimes questionable cleaning practices, and thought there must be a better option – now we have Airbnb, vacation rentals, timeshares, and even hostels.
If you want to know what type of accommodation is right for you, then keep reading!
You’re Looking for A Resort Experience Without the Resort Prices
Some timeshare owners are allowed to trade or sell their timeshare time to other people – which could mean you get to stay in deluxe resorts for the price of a normal hotel. This practice is going around TikTok as a way to stay at some of the most expensive Disney World resorts for the price of knock-off hotels.
IF you’re lucky, you may find someone who is willing to sell you some of their benefits. Have a timeshare yourself? Try this before you sell your timeshare for good.
Keep in mind that there are usually fees for the timeshare owners to transfer benefits to others – which you’ll likely have to pay, so make sure to add that into your budget!
You Want an Authentic Experience
When Airbnb first started, it felt like we’d found a workaround for things like hotel and property taxes for vacationers. Unfortunately, the government didn’t like that, and most states have voted to treat AirBNBs like hotel rooms, in terms of taxes and fees.
And while this has made the process more expensive than it was originally, there are still some good deals to be found out there! Just be sure to look at what the final price will be including all the fees and taxes – not just the listed cost per night.
Not only can AirBNBs be cheaper than hotels, but they also give you a more authentic experience – you’ll truly be living like a local!
You’re Trying to Stay as Cheaply as Possible
You’ve probably heard of your friends talking about their experiences in hostels in Europe – but there are some in America too! Hostels are like hotels if those hotels are charged by the bed and not by the room.
Hostels usually have dorms of four, six, ten, or even sixteen beds in a room. Everyone gets their own bunk and their own locker to keep their stuff in safely.
These can be as cheap as $30 a night – so if you don’t mind being around strangers, it’s definitely an option!
The Right Type of Accommodation for Every Trip
There’s a reason so many travelers stay in hostels in Europe but only stay in hotels in the US – different trips have different types of accommodation that fit them.
Your travel accommodations can be as unique as your itinerary – and can differ at every point in your trip! The world is your oyster, and we’re here to help you realize it. Bookmark our page for more awesome affordable travel tips!